Natal's Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘electric furnace’

Tripped Circuits and Electric Furnaces

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Electric furnaces are great options for customers that don’t want to buy a gas furnace, but are still limited price-wise when it comes to other electric options. Heat pumps and other electric systems are expensive, and they can often cost you over time due to a payment plan. So, we get it. Especially if you live off the grid, your electric furnace is probably your best friend.

But your best friend sitting in the basement might not be too happy when the circuit trips, or when there’s a power outage. Electric furnaces are inherently tied to the electrical system of your home. When something is wrong with your power supply, something is likely going to go wrong with your furnace. Let’s talk about some reasons why you might need electric furnace repair in Metairie, LA. Don’t forget, if you need electrical services too, we’re the team that can do it all!

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